Friday, 24 August 2012

Iran's death sentence for Christian convert: Part of a growing war on Christianity worldwide

A 34-year-old Christian pastor and father of two is set to be executed. They're going to hang him. Why? Well, he dared to leave Islam and convert to Christianity. It's happening in Iran. And that's actually only the beginning. It's not an isolate case.
A war on Christians is spreading throughout the Muslim world. Christians are being murdered, some by machetes, raped, jailed burned, forced their homes, you name it. It is happening to them.

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Iran steps up crackdown on Christians

Iran’s stepped up its crackdown on the country struggling Christian community by closing a church in Tehran, prompting an Iranian human rights group and religious freedom experts to slam the regime.

“The ability to join a church or mosque or temple is one of the most fundamental religious freedoms,” Hadi Ghaemi, a spokesman for the group International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, said last week.

Christians in Iran, Syria face rising persecution

“This drive to close churches is an assault on free religious practice, in violation of Iran’s international commitments, and a sign of growing religious intolerance within the Iranian government.”

According to the human rights group, Iranian Christians are in a dire situation because the regime assigned the Revolutionary Guard Corps to handle the “oversight of Christian churches in Iran, which were previously overseen by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.”

The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran noted, “At the end of May 2012, Iranian authorities forced the Assembly of God Church in the western Tehran neighborhood of Jannat Abad to close its doors and discontinue services, a local source with knowledge of the Iranian Protestant community told the campaign.”

A source told quoted the Iran’s authorities as saying, “You must close the church, and if you don’t do this and we have to formally close the church, then there is no hope of you even keeping the building afterwards to sell,” .

In an email to The Jerusalem Post on Sunday, Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the American Center for Law & Justice, wrote, “Iran’s latest assault on the religious freedom of Christians is disturbing, yet not surprising. Iran has consistently shown that it has no respect for international human rights and religious freedom. In fact, Iran is one of the world’s worst offenders.

Those who embrace Christianity do so at great risk and are frequently targeted for persecution – including death because of their religious beliefs.”

The American Center for Law & Justice is a US-based organization that defends religious freedom in the United States and abroad.

Dr. Richard Landes, an associate professor of history and director and cofounder of the Center of Millennial Studies at Boston University, told the Post via email, “On one level, the closure reveals the insecurity of the Muslims who carry it out, re-emphasizing (if that were necessary) the profound lack of confidence that Islamists in power have in a free market of ideas. And of course, this affects not only the specific church, but any kind of dissident, infidel or Muslim. This is classic pre-modern political behavior.”

Landes , who has delivered talks about the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, added, “In a larger sense, this raises the issue of reciprocity.

At a time when Muslim spokesmen and women make strong demands to be treated by the highest standards of ‘human rights’ in the West, neither these Muslim spokespeople, nor those who trust them in the West, demand any kind of reciprocal restraint from Muslims in Islamic countries: ‘Who are we to judge?’” “This failure might seem to the human rights activists who look the other way as a sign of generosity towards a morally challenged part of the world from whom we cannot expect anything like reciprocity, but it seems to ‘them’ as a sign of our moral cowardice, that we proleptically accept the dhimma [the inferior status of non- Muslims in a Muslim state],” he continued.

Nasrin Amirsedghi, a leading German-Iranian intellectual who has written extensively about human rights violations in the Islamic Republic, told the Post that “the systematic and state-sponsored persecution of Christians in Iran, particularly in the recent period, is a sign of an increasingly weakened regime leadership. Wherever there is a fear of losing legitimacy, the regime employs violence and repression.”

She noted that Iran’s parliament voted 196 to 7 for the death penalty in 2008 to be imposed on apostates, such as those who convert from Islam to Christianity.

Sekulow, from the Center for Law & Justice, said, “Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani is a perfect example of the persecution of Christians by Iran and its leadership. Pastor Youcef is fast approaching 1,000 days in captivity inside Iran – and a death sentence – because of his Christian beliefs. In our work in the United States and abroad to call attention to the plight of Pastor Youcef, we have seen a tremendous outcry from around the globe – support for Pastor Youcef and condemnation of Iran. Our global Tweet for Youcef campaign reaches nearly 2.5 million Twitter accounts daily in more than 200 countries around the world.”

Asked what the West can do regarding human rights violations in Iran, Sekulow said, “There are several areas of involvement where the West can make a difference. We have a duty to report on and work for the release of those persecuted, imprisoned and even facing death by execution because of their religious beliefs. As a free people, it is our job to take every bit of information we can obtain and utilize it in a way that can best assist those who too often are forgotten.”

He continued, “It is important that these crimes be publicized – that a media spotlight expose these tragic events – to let Iran know that the world is watching.”

Um pastor de 34 anos de idade, cristão e pai de dois filhos está previsto para ser executado. Eles estão indo para enforcá-lo. Por quê? Bem, ele se atreveu a deixar o Islã e se converter ao cristianismo. Está acontecendo no Irã. E isso é realmente apenas o começo. Não é um caso isolado.

Uma guerra aos cristãos está se espalhando por todo o mundo muçulmano. Os cristãos estão sendo assassinados, alguns por facões, estuprada, queimada preso, forçado de suas casas, o nome dele. Que está acontecendo com eles.

Ver história detalhada sobre
Irã intensifica repressão aos cristãos

Irã intensificou a repressão contra a comunidade cristã país que luta pelo fechamento de uma igreja em Teerã, o que levou um grupo de direitos humanos iraniana e especialistas de liberdade religiosa para bater o regime.

"A capacidade de participar de uma igreja ou mesquita ou templo é uma das liberdades mais fundamentais religiosas", Hadi Ghaemi, um porta-voz da Campanha Internacional para os Direitos Humanos do grupo no Irã, disse na semana passada.


Cristãos no Irã, Síria perseguição rosto subindo

"Esta unidade de igrejas próximas é uma agressão a prática religiosa livre, em violação dos compromissos internacionais do Irã, e um sinal da crescente intolerância religiosa dentro do governo iraniano."

De acordo com o grupo de direitos humanos, os cristãos iranianos estão em uma situação difícil porque o regime atribuído a Guarda Revolucionária para lidar com a supervisão "de igrejas cristãs no Irã, que anteriormente eram supervisionados por agentes do Ministério de Inteligência e do Ministério da Cultura e Orientação Islâmica. "

A Campanha Internacional pelos Direitos Humanos no Irã observou: "No final de maio de 2012, as autoridades iranianas forçaram a Igreja Assembléia de Deus no bairro ocidental de Teerã Jannat Abad a fechar suas portas e interromper serviços, uma fonte local, com conhecimento do iraniano protestante comunidade disse à campanha. "

Uma fonte disse citou autoridades do Irã, dizendo: "Você deve fechar a igreja, e se você não fizer isso e temos que encerrar formalmente a igreja, então não há esperança de você mesmo mantendo o edifício depois de vender", .

34-летний христианский пастор и отец двоих детей установлен должна быть выполнена. Они собираются повесить его. Почему? Ну, он решился оставить ислам и христианство. Это происходит в Иране. И это действительно только начало. Это не изолировать дела.

Война на христиан распространяется по всему мусульманскому миру. Христиан убивают, некоторые по мачете, изнасилованы, сожжены в тюрьму, заставили их дома, вы называете его. Это происходит с ними.

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Иран наращивает репрессии на христиан

Иран активизировал свою наступление на страны, борющейся христианской общины путем закрытия церкви в Тегеране, побуждая человека группой иранских права и свободы религиозных экспертов, чтобы хлопнуть режима.

«Возможность присоединиться к церкви или мечети или храма является одним из наиболее фундаментальных религиозных свобод," Хади Ghaemi, пресс-секретарь группы Международной кампании за права человека в Иране, заявил на прошлой неделе.


Христиане в Иране, Сирии лицо ростом преследований

"Этот диск близких церквей является нападением на свободу религиозной практики, в нарушение международных обязательств Ирана, и в знак растущей религиозной нетерпимости внутри иранского правительства".

В соответствии с человеческой группы прав, иранские христиане находятся в тяжелом положении, потому что режим назначается революционной гвардии справиться с "надзор за христианские церкви в Иране, которые ранее были под контролем агентами министерства разведки и министерства культуры и исламской ориентации ".

Международная кампания за права человека в Иране, отметил, что "в конце мая 2012 года, иранские власти вынуждены Ассамблеи Божьей Церкви в западном районе Тегерана в Джаннат Абад, чтобы закрыть свои двери и прекратить услуг, локальный источник со знанием иранского Протестантские общины рассказали кампании ".

Один из источников сообщил цитирует власти Ирана, как говорят, "Вы должны закрыть церковь, и если вы не сделаете этого, и мы должны официально закрыть церковь, то нет никакой надежды на вас, даже поддержание здания впоследствии продать" .

Un pasteur de 34 ans, chrétien et père de deux enfants est prêt à être exécuté. Ils vont le pendre. Pourquoi? Eh bien, il a osé quitter l'islam et se convertir au christianisme. Ça se passe en Iran. Et c'est en fait que le début. Ce n'est pas un cas isolé.

Une guerre contre les chrétiens se répand dans le monde musulman. Les chrétiens sont assassinés, d'autres par des machettes, violés, brûlés emprisonnés, forcés de leurs maisons, you name it. Il se passe pour eux.

Voir le récit détaillé sur
L'Iran intensifie la répression contre les chrétiens

L'Iran a intensifié sa répression contre le pays qui se bat communauté chrétienne par la fermeture d'une église à Téhéran, provoquant un groupe iranien des droits humains et de la liberté religieuse experts de claquer le régime.

«La capacité à se joindre à une église ou une mosquée ou un temple est l'une des libertés les plus fondamentales religieuses", Hadi Ghaemi, porte-parole de la Campagne internationale pour groupe Droits de l'Homme en Iran, a déclaré la semaine dernière.


Chrétiens en Iran, la Syrie face à la persécution croissante

«Cette volonté de proximité églises est une atteinte à la pratique religieuse libre, en violation des engagements internationaux de l'Iran, et un signe de l'intolérance religieuse croissante au sein du gouvernement iranien."

Selon le groupe de défense des droits, les chrétiens iraniens sont dans une situation désastreuse parce que le régime assigné la Garde révolutionnaire pour gérer la surveillance »des églises chrétiennes en Iran, qui étaient auparavant supervisé par des agents du ministère du Renseignement et le ministère de la Culture et Orientation islamique. "

La Campagne internationale pour les droits de l'homme en Iran a déclaré: «À la fin de mai 2012, les autorités iraniennes forcé l'Eglise Assemblée de Dieu dans le quartier ouest de Téhéran de Jannat Abad de fermer ses portes et de supprimer des services, une source locale avec la connaissance de l'Iran communauté protestante a déclaré à la campagne. "

Une source a confié cité autorités de l'Iran comme disant, "Vous devez fermer l'église, et si vous ne le faites pas et que nous devons clore officiellement l'église, alors il n'y a aucun espoir de vous, même en gardant le bâtiment par la suite de vendre», .

Un pastor cristiano de 34 años de edad y padre de dos hijos está listo para ser ejecutado. Ellos lo van a colgar. ¿Por qué? Bueno, se atrevió a dejar el Islam y convertirse al cristianismo. Está sucediendo en Irán. Y eso es realmente sólo el comienzo. No es un caso aislado.

Una guerra contra los cristianos se está extendiendo en todo el mundo musulmán. Los cristianos están siendo asesinados, algunos con machetes, violadas, encarceladas quemado, obligó a sus hogares, lo que sea. Se les está sucediendo.

Ver historia detallada
Irán intensifica ofensiva contra los cristianos

Irán ha intensificado su ofensiva contra la comunidad cristiana país que lucha por el cierre de una iglesia en Teherán, lo que llevó a un grupo iraní de derechos humanos y expertos en libertad religiosa para golpear al régimen.

"La capacidad de unirse a una iglesia o mezquita o templo es una de las libertades religiosas más fundamentales", dijo Hadi Ghaemi, portavoz de la Campaña grupo Internacional de Derechos Humanos en Irán, la semana pasada.


Los cristianos en Irán, la persecución Siria cara ascendente

"Esta unidad de las iglesias cercanas es un asalto a la práctica religiosa libre, en violación de los compromisos internacionales de Irán, y un signo de creciente intolerancia religiosa en el gobierno iraní".

Según el grupo de derechos humanos, los cristianos iraníes están en una situación desesperada debido a que el régimen le asigna el Cuerpo de la Guardia Revolucionaria de manejar la supervisión "de las iglesias cristianas en Irán, que fueron supervisadas previamente por agentes del Ministerio de Inteligencia y el Ministerio de Cultura y Orientación Islámica. "

La Campaña Internacional para los Derechos Humanos en Irán señaló: "A finales de mayo de 2012, las autoridades iraníes obligaron a la Iglesia Asamblea de Dios en el barrio oeste de Teherán de Jannat Abad para cerrar sus puertas y suspender un servicio, una fuente local con el conocimiento de la iraní comunidad protestante le dijo a la campaña ".

Una fuente le dijo a la citada autoridades de Irán, diciendo: "Tienes que cerrar la iglesia, y si usted no hace esto y tenemos que cerrar formalmente la iglesia, entonces no hay esperanza de que aun manteniendo el edificio después de vender" .

A 34-year-old christlicher Pastor und Vater von zwei gesetzt ist, die ausgeführt werden. Sie werden ihn hängen. Warum? Nun wagte er den Islam zu verlassen und zum Christentum zu bekehren. Es ist im Iran passiert. Und das ist eigentlich nur der Anfang. Es ist nicht ein Isolat Fall.

Ein Krieg gegen Christen in der muslimischen Welt verbreitet. Christen werden ermordet, einige von Macheten, vergewaltigt, eingesperrt verbrannt, gezwungen ihre Häuser, you name it. Es wird mit ihnen geschieht.

Detaillierte Geschichte auf
Iran Schritte bis Niederschlagung der Christen

Iran verstärkt seine Niederschlagung des Landes kämpfen christlichen Gemeinde durch die Schließung einer Kirche in Teheran, woraufhin ein iranischer Menschenrechtsgruppen und religiöse Freiheit Experten, um das Regime zuzuschlagen.

"Die Fähigkeit, eine Kirche oder Moschee oder Tempel beizutreten einer der grundlegenden religiösen Freiheiten" Hadi Ghaemi, ein Sprecher der Gruppe International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, in der vergangenen Woche.


Christen im Iran, Syrien angesichts steigender Verfolgung

"Dieses Laufwerk nahe Kirchen ist ein Angriff auf die freie Religionsausübung, in Verletzung der internationalen Verpflichtungen Irans, und ein Zeichen der wachsenden religiösen Intoleranz innerhalb der iranischen Regierung."

Laut der Menschenrechtsorganisation sind iranische Christen in einer schrecklichen Situation, weil das Regime zugeordnet die Revolutionsgarden, die "Kontrolle der christlichen Kirchen in Iran, die zuvor von Agenten des Ministeriums für Geheimdienste wurden überwacht und das Ministerium für Kultur und behandeln Islamische Führung. "

Die International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran stellte fest: "Am Ende des Mai 2012, iranischen Behörden die Assembly of God Church gezwungen in der westlichen Teheran Nachbarschaft Jannat Abad ihre Pforten schließen und unterbrechen Dienstleistungen, eine lokale Quelle mit Kenntnis der iranischen evangelischen Gemeinde sagte der Kampagne. "

Ein Insider sagte zitierte den iranischen Behörden sagen: "Du musst die Kirche zu schließen, und wenn Sie dies nicht tun, und wir haben zum offiziellen Abschluss der Kirche, dann gibt es keine Hoffnung, Sie selbst halten das Gebäude später zu verkaufen" .

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